The South African actress took to Instagram on Thursday, 3 October 2019, to share an image of her multi-coloured nails by popular nail salon, Tammy Taylor.
South African media personality and actress, Amanda du-Pont, is known for her sense of fashion as well as her take on the latest trends. She took to Instagram on Thursday, 3 October 2019, to share an image of her latest nails.
The image features the actress showcasing multi-coloured nails, her thumb featuring a blue pastel colour while she dons pastel purple, pink, green and yellow colours on her other fingers. She showcased the nails alongside a pair of pink and white luxury designer sneakers. She captioned the image, “Speckled eggs”, referring to her nails as the popular snacks which feature pastel egg sweets. The actress also shared that she went to the Tammy Taylor nail salon in Sandton, Johannesburg.
The salon also shared the image on its official Instagram page saying that the colours are called, “Rainbow kisses, angel wings, blush kisses, wild child and feeling fine”. Social media users flooded Amanda’s post with complimentary messages.
One social media user wrote, “Stunning nails”. Another social media user shared that she is currently wearing the same coloured nails, “I love this, I have the same nails, even the colours are the same”, she wrote. Other social media users expressed their plans to try out the trend.
The image received much traction and interaction, with over 10 000 likes and over 50 comments.